This is a fundamental problem many people have, the laziness in which they approach their #relationships. It is equivalent to the general mass text messages people send. Although easy it is not personal and the recipient feels the lack of effort. Being your #friend and/or significant other is a very personal relationship and it should be #tailored accordingly. Although you have many friends, each relationship is very different because of the individuals involved. You cannot approach all relationships the same. If you utilize a ‘lazy’ mass approach to people, perhaps this is the reason why you continue to experience mundane, surface level relationships because you continue to interact with everyone as if they are all the same.
Relationships similar to a #garden, requires cultivating and cultivating consists of quality #time, #nurturing, #trust, #respect, accountability, #honesty, active #listening and effective healthy #communication. Relationships are an ebb and #flow, and healthy relationships do not revolve around one person (i.e. selfish, egotistical, aloof, etc.). Healthy relationships require all parties to show up, #invest, cultivate, nurture and participate.
As we transition into 2016 we implore you to take this vow:
“NO MORE MASS TEXT LIKE RELATIONSHIPS! I #honor and respect love and I vow to cultivate all of my relationships by investing in them and tailoring them per person. It is a privilege to be the recipient of love and for another to want my love and I will act accordingly (this includes family and friends).” © - Misha N. Granado