While traveling by plane above the clouds I am always reminded of the importance of elevating our thoughts and energy level for this is where we tap into love's frequency. Fear (and all of its cronies: jealousy, envy, gossip, inadequacy, emotional wounds, etc) is a heavy, weighted energy that is similar to the sandbags that keep hot air balloons grounded.
Get out of your head and connect with your heart space.
It is time to accept, release, and/or acknowledge some things.
Be honest.
Some people, thoughts and/or behaviors are too heavy for you and as a result are holding you back/down. Let Go. Just because something is familiar and 'normal' does not mean it is healthy and for your highest good.
Be Patient.
Invest in your healing.
Surround yourself with love. Cultivate love within. -Misha N Granado, MPH, MS