Master Teachers – We all serve as students and teachers in each of our relationships (regardless of the type of relationship). Along our journey we will encounter (and serve as) Master teachers, individuals who will serve as a catalyst for some of our most important, life transforming lessons. Oftentimes these teachers may appear in our romantic spaces and in some cases the lesson(s) may not be realized until after the romantic space has ended. This is one of the beautiful aspects of sharing an intimate space, because it is in these spaces where our ‘growing areas’ are revealed because we are our most vulnerable in these spaces.
I have served as a Master Teacher a few times in the lives of others and often these individuals will cross my path again many years later to share how I served as a catalyst for their transformation. Oftentimes we do not witness the fruit of the seeds we plant in others, but it is truly humbling when and if you ever have the opportunity. I have also received the gift of master teachers disguised as significant others, along my life journey. Upon the arrival of one teacher in my life, I discovered that there were areas I had NOT mastered and by not mastering these areas I was contributing to conflict in our space and in my life because I was not aligned with love and as a result fear was skewing my perception. From this beautiful teacher, I realized at the time I had not mastered the following:
Letting go/non-attachment.
I was very attached to a particular outcome and held onto it with a ‘kung fu’ grip. I now know love cannot grow in a ‘choke hold’ it must be allowed to be fluid, for similar to water; it is in its fluidity that it is that has the ability to permeate every space.
I did not always respect my partner’s journey and that he was moving at his own pace in order to master his own lessons. Trying to push, pull or force him to move at my pace was disrespectful and not of love.
I did not always choose peace over conflict. Instead there were times when I allowed my ego to speak on behalf of my heart. I learned that ego does not speak nor understand the language of the heart therefore it can NEVER EVER serve as a representative of my heart or love.
I did not always choose kindness over being right. I learned kindness is aligned with love and it is okay to disagree.
I did not always trust love and know that whatever the outcome in any situation that it would be the best and highest good for all parties involved. I learned love, similar to water, has the ability to transform and take many different shapes; outcomes I may have not have considered but are of the highest good.
Finally, from discovering all of these ‘growing areas’ in my intimate space with my ‘master teacher,’ I also discovered since I had not mastered these lessons, I also had not mastered myself. To become a master of self requires one to become grounded in their true essence, their heart space (love). Once you are truly grounded in love it becomes your default to become non-attached to a particular outcome, to be respectful of others and their journey, to always choose peace over conflict and to be kind and trust the process.
It is my sincere intention by sharing a little more about my personal journey, being transparent and vulnerable you find the courage to mentally/emotionally revisit some of your past (or perhaps current) relationships to (1) identify your pattern in order to (2) identify your growing areas. Perchance by doing this you can finally release any anger you may have towards your ‘master teachers’ because of a particular outcome. Maybe it is time to give thanks to and for this teacher for serving as a catalyst for your evolution. © - Misha N. Granado