Spring is usually the time when we take assessment of our closets and begin the big purge. The purpose of this major re-organization may result from items being too small or too big. Perhaps, it is to make room for a wardrobe update or to transition from winter to spring attire. Possibly, one reorganizes their closet as a result of a geographical relocation (nice!) or even changing styles altogether. Despite the reasons for the purge, the bottom line is these items no longer fit where you currently are in your life.
Similar to our closet purge, there are behaviors, thoughts and people we may need to also purge from our lives.
Which behaviors have you outgrown?
Are there thoughts which have ‘holes/snags’ hence no longer providing the justification for the behaviors you may have outgrown?
Who are the ‘out of season’ people in your life?
Spring is not the only time to conduct a major overhaul of your ‘closet,’ July is as fitting a month as any other. Grab your garbage bags and begin the purge. Once you discard all of the clutter, I am confident you will discover you have much more room (mentally, emotionally, spiritually) to embrace your new attitude. I Grow. You Grow. Love Grows! - Misha N. Granado, MPH, MS