Unhealed Emotional Wounds: The Cancer of Your Relationships
Emotional cancer is so detrimental and toxic because there are infinite ways others unknowingly ‘feed’ the cancer. For example, if you are a woman who did not grow up with her biological father, you may have developed an emotional wound of ‘I Am Not Good Enough’ cancer. Unbeknownst to you, somewhere along the way during your childhood you made the association that if you were good enough your dad would have remained and played an active role in your life.
Read moreThe Truth About Love...
Unfortunately, as humans we rely so heavily on our limited physical sight and use it to make decisions because we erroneously believe our only options are those that we can physically see with our naked eye. This is why many people remain in unhealthy spaces (relationships, jobs, environments, etc.) or are unable to let go of an individual, behavior, thought or pattern. We believe that ‘this’ is our ONLY path to happiness and our best life.
Read moreBig Amazing Love
Once you have experienced this love or know with all of your being it exists, you cannot settle for anything less; your spirit will not allow it. Fear cannot convince you. The panic of your loved ones cannot coerce you.
Read moreAdventure: A New Perspective
Your life is not meant to remain pristine; instead life is intended for living, to fully immerse yourself into it and make it an amazing adventure!
The desire for perfection limits many people because they fear making a ‘mistake’ and as a result they are immobilized. Life and love require movement and it is through movement we are gifted the beautiful opportunity to discover more about self, others, life and love. Take a moment and reflect on your very first boy/girlfriend, perhaps similar to others you were in junior high, a time when you were transitioning from a child to an adolescent.
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