“It is not the responsibility of anyone else to save, heal or fix you. Become your own lifeguard.”
Sustainable change only happens when YOU make YOUR life, YOUR healing, and YOUR relationship with self a priority. Others can only constrict or expand whatever dwells within. So what dwells within you? Love? Fear? Anger? Happiness? Worthiness? Unworthiness? Joy? Passion? Optimism? Pessimism?
The issue with many relationships (including friendships, business, etc.) is that people have not invested the time to (1) heal and (2) know self and as a result they continue to engage in behaviors and thoughts that sabotage self and their relationships only to blame the other person, leave the space, enter a new space, do the same things yet expect a different outcome.
The issue is NOT the other person…YOU are the common denominator in ALL of your relationships and in YOUR life. It is time that you become your own lifeguard. Enough with the excuses, sob stories, blame game, avoidance, self-medicating, etc. How long are you going to tell the same story? How long are you going to play the victim? You cannot change your past, but you can heal yourself which will change your life! – Misha N. Granado