“Ego and pride ruin more relationships than infidelity.”
Ego is the socially acceptable way to overcompensate for insecurities somewhere in your life. If you truly love and like yourself you do not feel the need to belittle or harm others verbally or energetically. However, if you believe that you are ‘less than’ in some (or multiple areas) of your life you begin to hide these insecurities behind your ego and interface with the world from this false sense of self.
Pride hinders your ability to view and accept that there are multiple perspectives other yours. Pride obscures your ability to be open to lessons, tools, and constructive feedback. Pride and ego operates from a ‘Me vs. Them/You’ perspective which immediately places you on the defense.
Both of these are detrimental to our relationships (romantic, friendships, business, family) because they serve as blocks and limit our connection which ultimately limits our ability to experience love in its full capacity. Are you dismissive of others because of X reasons? What are you insecure about? Ashamed of? Embarrassed about? Do you have difficulty accepting responsibility, being accountable, apologizing and/or making amends for the ways in which you hurt or emotionally wounded another? If you answered yes to any of these, it is quite possible you are operating from a space of ego and pride. Today I implore you to explore these areas in your life. The quality of your relationships and life depend on it. © - Misha N. Granado