Each day you awaken is a new opportunity; some may even view each day as an adventure based on their perspective. Unfortunately, many people go through life as if it is just one long day, the same day. They wake up still fuming, worrying, complaining, fixated on, etc. on something that happened previously. Although you have experienced many Tuesdays, months, etc. you have NEVER experienced this day, THIS month and will NEVER experience it again. Today has not and will not come around again, however there are some of you who are still emotionally stuck in the past while today is quickly dissolving into tomorrow.
- You cannot change the past, but you can learn from it.
- You cannot change other people, but you can change yourself (but NEVER to fit into someone else’s box).
- You cannot make others recognize your value (how you feel about yourself) but YOU can know your value and walk away from any and everything that constricts it.
- You cannot make someone ‘see’ you but YOU can ‘see’ yourself and know you are worth and worthy of more.
- You cannot control another, but you can let go of the desire to control life and begin to flow with it.
- You cannot make another love you (including family members) but YOU can love yourself fully and begin to choose people who want to AND are emotionally available to love you.
Each day is a gift; it is not guaranteed or promised. If today were your last day (we never know which day will be our last) is whatever (or whoever) you are holding onto worth the precious moments of your life, heart, mind and energy? Is mentally/emotionally living in the past the best use of your time and energy? More than likely, whatever (or whoever) you are holding onto has long moved on and they are living their life. You deserve the same and ONLY YOU can make that happen. – Misha N. Granado