“You are responsible for keeping your love reservoir full. Nurture it daily with ‘Me’ Time.”
We receive the same message every time we board an airplane as it pertains to oxygen masks, ‘…place your mask on FIRST, and THEN tend to others.’
The premise is you are no good to anyone if you are out of commission. Many people (especially parents) tend to operate from a sacrificial space as it pertains to others. They neglect self on various levels (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and financial) believing this sacrifice is beneficial to the other. The truth is when you fully show up for your life healthy on ALL levels this is beneficial to others because you serve as an example of health and can provide guidance on how others can do the same. Additionally, love and life is much better from a healthy space.
This Meditation Monday, I implore you to begin to incorporate a minimum of one (1) hour of ‘Me’ Time a day to connect with self. During this time fully focus on and engage in activities to nurture your well-being on any or all of these levels. Make this your sacred space, where you disconnect from your gadgets and social media and connect with the various aspects of you. Me time is also beneficial for children and your significant other. Identify your ‘Me Time’ hour and request others in your inner circle to respect the space by not disturbing you and it is important to do the same for others. – Misha N. Granado