Close your eyes. Inhale. Exhale slowly.
Take a moment and think about your best friend, the person you love romantically, or perhaps your children. Think of all of the ways you have and continue to support, encourage, motivate, love and truly enjoy the relationship. Now imagine if you became this type of friend and extended this level of love to yourself. If your default thoughts were that of love and support as you journey along your life path. What would happen if you learned how to give yourself amazing pep talks to pull yourself out of the muck? If you are doing this for others, you can definitely do this for yourself. When you become your friend and grow in love with self all of your relationships and experiences improve for the better.
Today I implore you to implement ‘Me Day’ a minimum of once a month beginning this month. “Me Day” is a solo day, a day where you do not have to appease others, consider another’s time table or interests. Catering to others is what we do the majority of our day whether it is at our jobs, for our clients, children, spouse, family, friends, or anyone else who makes requests of us. Me Day is a day (or at least a few hours) where you focus on cultivating a relationship with self. Begin to explore activities you enjoy or have an interest. Move at your own pace.
Begin to enjoy your own company and become comfortable moving around solo.
Go to a restaurant and have lunch.
Check out a movie alone.
Do not spend the time updating social media of your movements, instead be present and connect with the real people around you to connect with your heart and thoughts.
By doing this you will learn more about self, develop a deeper appreciation for YOU which increases your vibration and frequency. Also, another benefit of ‘Me Day’ is it allows you to become familiar with your energy making it very easy to identify energy shifts and how other’s energy either expands or constricts yours. This is what love feels like…it dwells within and becomes your personal reservoir.
I Grow. You Grow. Love Grows! – Misha N. Granado