Always live in the light. No one, regardless of their wounds or relationship to you, is worth living in the shadows. Healthy relationships and love do NOT consists of secrets (shadows). If the relationship or behavior cannot be conducted in the 'light of day' (#truth, authentic, transparency) then it is not good for your health on any level.
Who do you admire/respect? Is this something you would do in their presence? Is this someone you would be proud to introduce to him/her? How would they feel if they were to discover this? Does your behavior reflect your heart space (what you desire) and your head space (what you say)?
If you answered 'No' then it is time to stop living in the shadows. You are a light (love) being and deserve to live and bask in the sunlight. Perhaps it is also time YOU became the person YOU admire and respect enough to no longer settle for a shadow existence. Love operates, thrives and grows in light. - Misha N Granado