Touch has the power to connect, heal, soothe, calm, support, nurture and convey love. Non-Sexual touch (hugs, holding hands, dancing, embracing, cuddling, kisses on nonsexual zones, etc.) is a powerful way to strengthen intimacy and emotional connection. Couples who are emotionally connected and engage in non-sexual touch on a consistent basis experience a stronger sexual connection, intimate life and healthier relationship. A few examples of non-sexual touch include:
- Kisses on the clavicle, shoulder, back of neck, etc.
- Holding hands
- Dancing in the kitchen while preparing a meal
- Hugging your partner from behind
- Caressing hair, back of neck, running fingers through hair, rubbing his head
- Massages
- Cuddling
- Sitting close (legs touching) on same side of booth at restaurants
- Placing hand on significant other’s arm, leg
- Unexpected kisses
Today incorporate more touch into your relationship. - Misha N. Granado