“Use more than your words to express your adoration.”
Research by Dr. Albert Mehrabian concluded:
- 55% of communication is nonverbal
- 38% is tone
- and only 7% is verbal
Dr. Gary Chapman, author of the Five Love Languages series also teaches how people receive and express love in very different ways. Therefore, it is important to become multilingual in love because it is quite possible the individuals in your life speak a different love language (even siblings, spouse, children, friends, parents).
Today I encourage you to begin to think of ways to express your adoration using all of your senses. Become creative and use multiple senses at the same time. For example, for your spouse, verbalize your adoration while lightly running your fingers on a sensitive part of their skin while wearing a fragrance your spouse enjoys and sealing it with a cinnamon flavored kiss. Love can be expressed in many ways. – Misha N. Granado