If your significant other questions your adoration, it is possible you are not demonstrating love in a way he/she interprets love. Love is a language and there are many different ways to speak love. You and your partner may demonstrate love very differently and as a result may not recognize the form of love each of you are giving. Are you familiar with your love language? The language of your significant other, children, friends, family? Is it quality time? Words of affirmation? Physical touch? Acts of service? Gifts? Are you multi-lingual?
Although love is universal, it is not a one size fits all experience and each of your relationships should be customized specifically for the person with whom you are co-creating the relationship.
Even if you have multiple children, each child may perceive and give love very differently and as a parent it is important that you become fluent in their language and love them accordingly.
The most beautiful love experiences and healthiest relationships are when both parties become multi-lingual. It would be unfortunate to miss out on an amazing love experience because of your unwillingness and/or stubbornness to learn a new language. Love is an art, become a connoisseur. – Misha N. Granado