Love communicates in a very specific way, it has its own language. Love is impeccable with words and very intentional with each. Love cannot speak when ego or anger is speaking for they are very different languages and operate at different frequencies.
Love does not speak with only words, instead it incorporates tone, body language, touch, pitch, energy, the eyes and intention, the true meaning behind what is being communicated.
Emotional wounds hinder love's ability to communicate, for these wounds serve as a barrier between the heart and brain.
When you are in emotional pain both consciously and subconsciously you are in defense mode, constantly protecting yourself because of your fear of being hurt. When you are unaware of your wounds, you are also unaware of your triggers and cannot communicate these to others; which result in reactions instead of responses. Reactions that are often verbally abusive, wounding others.
Are you interested in becoming fluent in the language of love? If so, we are here and are now accepting new clients. Contact us today, to schedule your sessions today. - Misha N. Granado, MPH, MS