The Truth About Love...
Unfortunately, as humans we rely so heavily on our limited physical sight and use it to make decisions because we erroneously believe our only options are those that we can physically see with our naked eye. This is why many people remain in unhealthy spaces (relationships, jobs, environments, etc.) or are unable to let go of an individual, behavior, thought or pattern. We believe that ‘this’ is our ONLY path to happiness and our best life.
Read moreYou Are The Light
Allow your light to become so bright that darkness cannot permeate it. The sun sits in a dark galaxy yet it does not succumb to the darkness. Instead it illuminates and warms the space around it making it light. You are the light.
Read moreBig Amazing Love
Once you have experienced this love or know with all of your being it exists, you cannot settle for anything less; your spirit will not allow it. Fear cannot convince you. The panic of your loved ones cannot coerce you.
Read more8th Annual We Are Girls Conference: Tell Your Story
Life is about #relationships and the relationship you have with self, determines and influences all of the relationships in your life.
The sooner you learn this and begin to be accountable for your #role in your relationship is when your relationships (especially your relationship with self) will change for the better.