Tip 4 of 8: Internal Dialogue
Photo Credit: Diana Simumpan
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Photo Credit: Diana Simumpan
Photo Credit: Hernan Sanchez
Emotional wounds are similar to an intricate root system tangled together internally with various branches extending externally. Oftentimes people have varying degrees of unawareness. Some are oblivious to the emotional wound and as a result spend a great amount of energy blaming, fighting, arguing, judging, causing/engaging in chaos and/or reacting to various stimuli without knowing the reason. They are only aware of their pain, anger, rage, sadness, etc. and blame the external entity, not realizing the external has touched something internal.
Others may be aware of the emotional wound, but erroneously believe the ‘branch’ is an isolated issue, therefore they believe if they remove (or avoid) the branch (i.e. person, avoid a particular group, try to control every aspect of their life, do not trust anyone, etc.) the heartache/pain will no longer exist. Unfortunately, they are unaware of the intricate root system and that the branch is merely a symptom and the root is wrapped around other emotional areas.
If you are unaware of your emotional wounds and the root causes you do not know your triggers and you cannot adequately convey these triggers to others. Nor are you able to sustainably heal the wound. As a result, people unintentionally hurt each other which results in exacerbating wounds, creating unhealthy relationship dynamics, compromises emotional safety and trust and in some cases destroys the the relationship.
When emotional wounds are involved, the mere passing of time is not a sufficient or sustainable method for healing. Your mental, emotional, physical, spiritual bodies are connected, therefore the intricate root system of the emotional wounds permeate every sector of your being whether you are conscious of it or not.
Love Grows is not a quick fix. We do not provide band-aide approaches to your healing. Identifying and removing the roots require you to make an investment. Root systems are very intricate and in many cases cannot be merely plucked. Love Grows is an investment in YOU and YOUR emotional health is worth the investment. It is a new month, are you ready to try something different? We are now accepting new clients and would be honored to accompany you on this part of your journey. – Misha N. Granado, MPH, MS