Take a moment to reflect on your historical markers, those past experiences where you thought ‘IT’ was the absolute worst, you could and would not make it through, yet you are here. This is proof you CAN heal ‘this’ space and come out on the other side stronger, wiser, more courageous with a deeper appreciation of self.
It is easy to lose sight of the big picture and who we are in the mist of these type of emotional storms and even easier to get swept into the tumultuous tornado of heartache. This is what social media does not show. Your friends, associates and loved ones rarely post pictures, live videos and posts about these moments in their lives.
Oftentimes when we ‘perceive’ the external world as crumbling around us, we sometimes have the tendency to turn on ourselves. We begin to have unkind, unloving, harsh conversations in our heads. In essence we turn against ourselves becoming our own enemy.
Your loved ones mean well, but do they have the tools, expertise, skills or knowledge YOU need at this time in your life? Their coping strategies may not work for you, be sustainable, healthy or appropriate.